My response comes in three flavors: "I never really think about it." "I don't know." And, "Nothing cheap."
This is about that "Nothing cheap" answer.
Let's start with Guitars. You can never have too many guitars. And cheap guitars under $500 don't last as long as one would like. Which happens to be forever.
For $2,099.99 I can get my grubby hands this, an American Deluxe Strat.
by Fender.
I'm willing to knock of a thousand smackers for an American Special Strat.
But since its a Wish List and all, I'm not dropping below a grand.
And there are plenty of gorgeous Gibson SGs to chose from. Hmm, what to pick, what to pick . . . HA! a pun. Unintentional on this stream of thought post.
The B. C. Rich Warlock. Simply because it's evil. And the cheapest. They don't even list the prices at the official website, and Musician's Friend has them knocked down from $755.00 to $499.99.
While we are at it, why don't we throw in a Gretsch White Falcon? It's MSRP is only a paltry $4,425. Musician's Friend has them for only $3,099.00. Cheap!
On to Amps.
This is what I have, A Crate FlexWave 120/212 Combo amp. Not a bad little bugger, certainly loud. But since I'm wishing and all, it could go sit in the corner and collect dust and mice nests in lieu of . . .
. . . a Mesa Boogie Mark V head, for $1999 at Sweetwater Music Instruments and Pro Audio, to sit upon a Mesa Boogie . . .
. . . 4 x 12 Rectifier Standard Slant Cabinet. I can feel the blood running out by ears. Humberbucker Music has them priced at $949.
But if I want to go the next level and have my head explode and spray the white walls of the living room with my gore, I'll need something from Krank.
A Krankenstein + head, for $1,699, and . . .
. . . a Krankenstein cab, for only a mere $999. Awesome.
I don't have to have a Marshall stack do I? Everybody seems to have one.
A Dunlop Crybaby Wah pedal, runs about $70.
You know, I really just wanted it for the name; so I could tell the guys at work I had a Big Muff, but looking at the website, its been a staple of rock music pretty much like the Crybaby. Up around $120.
Vox ToneLab ST. This is what I wanted but settled for the Digitech RP255. The Digitech isn't bad by no means, but you have to cycle through push buttons to do any editing, unless you use the X-Edit 2 software and change setting from the computer. Look at those selector knobs on that ToneLab, for immediate editing of tone and sound. Just reach down and turn and tune. Looks like it can actually be stepped on and take a beating. And it has VACUUM TUBES, man! In the neighborhood of $275 to $200.
And because I'm a Do-It-Yourself kind of guy and am growing weary of the drum beat samples of my Digitech processors and my Yamaha keyboard, I need a drum set. This Roland TD-4SX sells for only $1,399 at Musician's Friend. Of course I would also have to purchase accessories for it, like a seat, a kick pedal, and a monitor amp.
This isn't too much to ask for, is it? In all seriousness, these are the things I do want, though I don't really need the White Falcon, and can do with only one Stratocaster. So the totals with the Gretsch and the Deluxe Strat are $18,487.99, a thousand less substituting the Special Strat, and $14,062.99 without the Falcon, a thousand less for the Special Strat. So, if anyone has 15 to 20 thousand dollars just laying around unused, pretty please.
1 comment:
If I ever hit it big, I know how to bribe you for some more 3D models. ;-)
Wow and I feel guilty when I put a $100 item on my gift list. I feel better now. Pretty much one of your gifts above would cover my entire Christmas list.
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