Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Someone's irate with Maxim and Olivia Munn

From Fox News

The little--and I mean tiny--strip of baby-blue lace seems to be the problem.

What? She shaved.

Guy's worried about kids seeing this in a store . . . on the upper shelves . . . probably behind some other magazines.

Let me tell you something Mr. Dan Gainor, when boys hit a certain age, we seek pornography. It can't be hidden. We will find it. I found my dad's stash time and time again. My friend would find his dad's stash and bring it over to the house. Then we stash it in our forts in the woods. Some other kids would find our stash and steal it. Fun times all around.

Be worried instead about the ease of access to porn on the internet. Kids are going to find it. Having kids, I hate to have to think that, but . . . see above paragraph.

And when you can easily go to sites to see on other women what she is hiding, it makes this cover sort of a nonevent. Eh, so what? Can't see anything but a waxed patch of skin. I like a landing strip myself, but to each his own.

Or her own. Just to be inclusive.

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